>([a few random gadgets and widgets to play around wit#. added as i see fit since i only add stuff i'd like to play wit# or t#at i t#ink is neat.]

>([used to play t#is monstrosity w#en i was but a mere wiggler crawlin around t#e internet on a boxy gray pc. t#at t#ing #ad t#at s#itty screaming monstrosity aol dial-up, so loading games on the internet meant aiming for t#e real s#it flas# games, usually consisting of insane amounts of violence or animal deat#. or just being too complicated for my 5 year old brain to play. snood was t#e lig#t in t#e dark- t#is isn't actually t#e exact version i used to play. mine #ad way more modes, and was 3d rat#er t#an pixelated. t#is t#e original of originals. fun facts: i own t#is game on a gameboy cart, because t#ey made it for gameboy too for some reason.]
>([anyway, enjoy an entertaining and kind of fucking #ard to play snippet from my c#ild#ood]
>([anyway, enjoy an entertaining and kind of fucking #ard to play snippet from my c#ild#ood]